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5SDA 21F3204

Data Sheet 5SDA21F3204.pdf
Product Type Avalanche Diodes
VRRM 3200 V
ITAVM at TC=85ºC 2110 A
VTO 0.89 V
rT 0.170 mO
Housing F
VFmin at 1800 A 25ºC 1.35 V
VPMAX at 1800 A 25ºC 1.50 V
IFSM at 8.3 ms TVJM 28.0 kA
IFSM at 10 ms TVJM 26 kA
PRSM 75 kW
TVJM 160 ºC
RthJC 20 K/kW
RthCH 5 K/kW
Fm 22 kN
  • Optimized for line frequency rectifiers.
  • Low on-state voltage, narrow VF-bands for parallel operation.