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Application Notes
1200V IGBTs operating at 200°C? An investigation on the potentials and the design constraints
1200V Merged PIN Schottky Diode with Soft Recovery and Positive Temperature Coefficient
2.5kV-6.5kV Industry Standard IGBT Modules Setting a New Benchmark in SOA Capability
4.5 kV-Fast-Diodes with Expanded SOA Using a Multi-Energy Proton Lifetime Control Technique
A 6.5kV IGBT Module with very high Safe Operating Area
A Family of Reverse Conducting Gate Commutated Thyristors for Medium Voltage Drive Applications
A High Voltage IGBT and Diode Chip Set designed for the 2.8kV DC Link Level with Short Circuit Capability extending to the Maximum Blocking Voltage
A Landmark in Electrical Performance of IGBT Modules Utilizing Next Generation Chip Technologies
A New Degree of Freedom in Diode Optimization: Arbitrary Axial Lifetime Profiles by Means of Ion Irradiation
A New Generation of Asymmetric and Reverse Conducting GTOs and their Snubber Diodes
A New Range of Reverse Conducting Gate-Commutated Thyristors For High Voltage, Medium Power Applications
A Study of Switching-Self-Clamping-Mode “SSCM” as an Over-voltage Protection Feature in High Voltage IGBTs
Application-Specific Fast-Recovery Diodes: Design and Performance
Applying IGCT Gate Units
Cosmic ray induced failures in High Power Semiconductor devices
Crossing Point Current of Electron and Proton Irradiated Power P-i-N Diodes
Crossing Point Current of Power P-i-N Diodes: Impact of Lifetime Treatment
Design of RC Snubbers for Phase Control Applications
Extending the Boundary Limits of High Voltage IGBTs and Diodes to above 8kV
Failure rates of HiPak modules due to cosmic rays
Failure rates of IGCT's due to cosmic rays
Free Wheeling Diodes With Improved Reverse Recovery By Combined Electron and Proton Irradiation
Gate-Drive recommendations for Phase Control Thyristors
High Voltage SPT+ HiPak Modules Rated at 4500V
HiPak Modules with SPT+ Technology Rated up to 3.6kA
Mounting Instructions for Hi-Pak Modules
New Plasma Shaping Technology for Optimal High Voltage Diode Performance
Next Generation Planar IGBTs with SPT+ Technology
Novel Enhanced-Planar IGBT Technology Rated up to 6.5kV for Lower Losses and Higher SOA Capability
Novel Soft-Punch-Through (SPT) 1700V IGBT Sets Benchmark on Technology Curve
Proton Irradiation For Improved GTO Thyristors
Recommendations regarding Mechanical Clamping of Press Pack High Power Semiconductors
Simulation tool for IGBT modules
SOA in High Power Semiconductors
Soft Punch Through (SPT) – Setting new Standards in 1200V IGBT
SPT+, the Next Generation of Low-Loss HV-IGBTs
Switching-Self-Clamping-Mode “SSCM”, A breakthrough in SOA performance for high voltage IGBTs and Diodes
The Bidirectional Control Thyristor (BCT)
The Design, Application and Production-Testing of High-Power Fast Recovery Diodes
The Field Charge Extraction (FCE) Diode A Novel Technology for Soft Recovery High Voltage Diodes
Why is Plasma Engineering in Fast Recovery Diodes by Ion Irradiation superior to Emitter Efficiency Reduction?